Mikron'S Talc grades are pre, white and free from any asbestos and carbonates. Mikron'S Talc grades are produced by keeping aspect ratio as much as maximum while not to exposing particles any kind of metal contamination.
Using of Mikron'S Talc grades will offer outstanding solutions in weatherability, water resistance and durability functions. Lamelar talc grades, which does not include any "S" letter in their product coes , will form a barrier in end products to keep polymer away from oxidation as much as maximum.Sealants which are used to fill cracks and holes in buildings should include lamelar talcs to get better isolation function.
Mikron'S Nodular Talc grades include "S" letters in product codes to make easy differentation. Nodular Talc grades will offer outstanding solutions in improvement of rheology, sagging resistance, thixotropy, shear thining and yield values.